Allendale True Value
Allendale True Value
CLR Glue Stick


SKU #781617 Model #BS-12

UPC #018239320639


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Surebonder 12-Pack 4" Clear Glue Sticks are superior bonding high temperature glue sticks for difficult surfaces such as metal, glass, ceramic & plastic. High temperature. 12 sticks 7/16" x 4" per pack. SUREBONDER's BS-12 high temperature best glue sticks are the best solution for bonding to difficult to bond surfaces. These glue sticks offer superior bonding for hard to bond surfaces.

  • 12 Pack
  • 4 In. Clear Glue Stick
  • Superior bonding high temperature glue stick for difficult surfaces
  • Use on such difficult surfaces as metal, glass, ceramic & plastic
  • High temperature
  • 12 sticks 7/16 In. x 4 In. per pack