This is the product of choice for optimal winter operation. Diesel Fuel Supplement® +Cetane Boost® is the product to use for maximum winter operability. This Arctic Antigel formula effectively treats all diesel fuels to prevent fuel from gelling and keeps equipment running trouble-free through the cold winter months. Diesel Fuel Supplement® +Cetane Boost® keeps fuel injectors clean and boosts cetane up to 4 numbers for faster cold starts and a smoother running engine.
- Prevents fuel gelling in temperatures as low as -40?F.
- Lowers Cold-Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) as much as 36?F. ? keeps fuel-filters from plugging with wax
- Boosts cetane up to 4 numbers for faster cold starts
- Contains Slickdiesel® for maximum fuel lubrication ? protects pumps and injectors from accelerated wear
- Effective in all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) and biodiesel blends containing up to 20% biodiesel (B20)
- Treats 250 gallons of diesel fuel